"SELF-SABOTAGE: THE ART OF SCREWING UP" IS NOW AVAILABLE!  Excerpts are available by visitingwww.selfsabotagingself.com

Book Trailer:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTEW5FrWwQg&feature=youtu.be


Self Sabotage The Art of Screwing Up


I almost fainted seeing my book on Amazon the morning of September 20, 2016! This is now REAL for me!!!!!

"Self-Sabotage: The Art of Screwing Up" is my first foray into writing a book in the Self-Help category. Who doesn't need a little help, right?

I'm exploding with pride at having finished a project I've had planned for years. My passion is to help those who want to help themselves grow and rise up out of their self-sabotaging habits...I am one of them as I almost quit the writing process many times because of my own nasty inner voice that said I wasn’t good enough or knowledgeable enough to write something others might want to read and learn from. Who was I? Just a Mom, Wife and Hypnotherapist from Coquitlam!

This book is about how each of us has an ‘inner critic’ judging our every action on the way we live our lives. It lives in the shadow world of our subconscious, below the level of our conscious awareness. But we all do hear its voice when it whispers or yells, depending on the situation, “You’re stupid”, “You’ll never be accepted”, “You’re unlovable/ugly/too fat/too skinny....fill in the blank’. It reduces us to feeling like a child, helpless and small. It only lets us get so far in our success and then pulls us back. And we wonder why we feel stuck, inefficient, frustrated, angry, defeated and alone.

In "Self-Sabotage: The Art of Screwing Up", I do my best to help people understand what self-sabotage is, how we do it, where it appears in our lives, and most importantly, why we do it in the first place. We all self-sabotage and it crosses all walks of life, regardless of our religion, socio-economic standing, education, or ethnicity.

I use personal stories and those of ‘unnamed’ clients to offer simple tools and ideas on how to shift from being self-critical to self-accepting and even empowered! Knowledge is power and we can’t change habits and beliefs until we understand where they come from.

You can now purchase the soft or hardcover through www.amazon.ca (Canadian Pricing) or through the links below. The link is provided for you so just click and purchase. The kindle and audio versions are still "in progress". Those in Europe can purchase at amazon.co.uk by following this link.

Hope you'll get one...or a few for friends and family. Simple to read...simple concepts to adopt. And share it with your friends..please and thank you! 

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